Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow and our Star Student

Thankfully, the sun is shining bright and the temperature is rising as I'm typing because we've had some cold, snowy days here! It is such a beautiful sight to behold but too much of anything isn't good, right?? We made the most out of our snow days though because Blake was off of work 2 days(woohoo)! We rented movies, hung out by the fire, drank lots of hot chocolate, and even went to see The Social Network(thanks to Beth keeping M and S)!! The week it snowed was also the week Montana was chosen to be STAR STUDENT(a long-awaited award) so her special week was extended to two and she couldn't have been more excited!
On the hunt for some fun in the snow!
Making snowballs
Licking icicles

Daddy and Sage

We walked up on some neighbors sledding down the hill so Blake and Montana joined in!
Off they go!!!
The star student and her self portrait! This was a hilarious venture as Blake tried to use his artistic ability to draw Montana's face! She was distraught at the outcome so we touched it up with big red lips, long eyelashes and some glittery cheeks:)

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