Monday, September 15, 2008

Baby Week

We are all in baby mode this week as we await 'baby sister's' arrival sometime between now and Friday. Montana has loved hearing the baby's heartbeat at doctor visits and is imitating what she has seen in this picture. When she hears the heartbeat she gets a big grin on her face and it thrills me to know they'll be buddies! Blake insisted on taking a picture of us yesterday to put on the I begin my last week of pregnancy. I attempted to hold my dress back so he could get a true pic of the size of my belly. Blake has been squeezing all of his call in the past 2 weeks so that he'll be call-free for a month...yay! Prayers this week are welcome and appreciated:). We'll post the big news soon!!


Barki's said...

hey Jamie! i"m praying for you, can't wait to hear the news! hope you are doing well this week and not having too many painful contractions.

the finley family said...

praying for y'all! can't wait to meet her. see you soon! the finley's

Rebecca said...

We just heard of baby Sage's arrival! Congratulations guys!